Does Public Perception of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Influence Support for Climate Action? (COCE2023)

Power Analysis

For Study 2 we conducted two a priori Power Analysis using G*Power version 3.1 (Faul et al., 2007). The first analysis was for a repeated measures between factors (4 condition) ANOVA. The power analysis adopted a significance criterion α of .05, power level of .80 with an expected effect size of 0.1 and expected correlation among measures of 0.5. The results of the power analysis suggested that a sample of 824 would provide sufficient statistical power to detect in the sample an effect present in the population with an 80% chance. The second power analysis was for a fixed effects (4 condition) ANOVA. Again, the significance criterion was α of .05, power was .80, expected effect size was 0.1. The power analysis suggested a sample of 967 would provide sufficient statistical power to detect in the sample an effect present in the population with an 80% chance. However financial constraints precluded recruiting an adequately powered sample.

Project References